Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day

Students were asking me questions about why today was Valentine's Day and what it means. That led us to do a little bit of research about where Valentine's Day came from. Upon our quick search (and by quick I mean, the very first thing that popped up on Google), we found out that Valentine's day is named after St Valentine who secretly married couples so that the husband did not have to go to war. This act came from a place of kindness and Aroha. We then talked about acts of kindness and Aroha that we have shown to our family members and friends. 

Let today be a reminder to be kind and show love all the time!

We also made an origami heart and we will write a kind message to a friend acknowledging our friendship and kindness for one another.

Room 13 made us a cute Valentine's card. Thank you Room 13 we appreciate your friendship!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Week 1, 2022

Welcome back to all our Roscommon students. I especially would like to welcome back all our Room 11 students and those that are new to our class. We started this week by learning each other's names. Students had to think of an adjective that started with the same letter as the first letter of their first name. For this activity, I was "Delightful Ms Della".