Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day

Students were asking me questions about why today was Valentine's Day and what it means. That led us to do a little bit of research about where Valentine's Day came from. Upon our quick search (and by quick I mean, the very first thing that popped up on Google), we found out that Valentine's day is named after St Valentine who secretly married couples so that the husband did not have to go to war. This act came from a place of kindness and Aroha. We then talked about acts of kindness and Aroha that we have shown to our family members and friends. 

Let today be a reminder to be kind and show love all the time!

We also made an origami heart and we will write a kind message to a friend acknowledging our friendship and kindness for one another.

Room 13 made us a cute Valentine's card. Thank you Room 13 we appreciate your friendship!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Week 1, 2022

Welcome back to all our Roscommon students. I especially would like to welcome back all our Room 11 students and those that are new to our class. We started this week by learning each other's names. Students had to think of an adjective that started with the same letter as the first letter of their first name. For this activity, I was "Delightful Ms Della". 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Nice to be back!

School is back on and I must say, it has been so good to be back but especially good to see some of our Room 11 students return to school. Although school is slightly different in terms of the areas we need to stay in and the staggered lunch breaks, we have an understanding that this is to help protect each other. 

Here, Room 11 is enjoying playing maths games outside.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Multiplying numbers using more than one way

Today, students shared the different ways you can solve 13 x 7. I did not consider using the doubling and halving strategy because I thought that it might be a little challenging to multiply a decimal number, but it just shows the amazing thinking and processing that my students have. I am super proud :)


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Welcome to Term 4

It has been awesome continuing to learn with students online. Just a reminder that we are online each morning at 10am. You can find the link to our Meet on our class site here.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Lockdown Learning

Wow, what a busy month it's been! During this month we have celebrated Tongan Language Week and also Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori. It's safe to say I would have rather celebrated those languages in class with our class but nonetheless, we still managed to do what we could online.

Last week we officially started our online learning sessions where we met each day for an hour in the morning then an hour in the afternoon. It was really awesome to catch up with students and to reconnect and see how everyone is and what everyone has been up to. Although we are all feeling the same way about missing the face-to-face sessions, it was still nice to reconnect on a different forum.

During our online sessions, we have been doing a range of things such as playing a Scavenger hunt, Kahoot, and doing our Maths number of the day using Jamboard. Today we explored vocabulary and learnt about using adjectives, nouns, adverbs and verbs to create some amazing sentences that would give our readers a clear image of our message. I can't wait to continue working with students to build on the sentences they have started creating.

Below are some pictures of what we've been doing online.

My Pepeha

Jamboard- Number of the day...24

The ladies

Number of the day... 13